WPF Full Stack: Getting started with understanding Data and DataBase

WPF Full Stack: Getting started with understanding Data and DataBase

What is Data and Database


4 min read

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Hi There, We are back on track learning WPF as Full Stack.

Let's start with understanding the starting point of data flow which is the 'Database'.


1. What is Data?
* "Data is collection of unsorted information", ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคฎ. Such a book-oriented explanation isn't it? Ok. Then let's understand things with a basic example.
Grocery Purchasing can be one of the real-time examples of what 'data' is.
When we are about to purchase our monthly groceries, we used to have a list of items to be purchased. Those items include many things under different categories right?
* For example, We have cooking-related items including oil, rice, salt etc., and We have cleaning-related items including disinfectants, broomsticks etc., So all these items were grouped in a single list and are not sorted based on their categories. You might have noticed that all these items were listed on a piece of paper.
* This piece of paper with unsorted categories of information can be called data.

Note: Information can either be singular or multiple. There is no need that information should be in plural or multiple.
But to point out, if there is a single piece of information it must be called a 'Datum'. 'Data' is the plural form of datum.

๐Ÿ˜‡ Hope you can imagine what data is now in different ways. Let's not stop here better we can discuss further examples of data that we are handling in our day-to-day life.


  1. Watching News.

  2. By keeping rules in mind and playing any game.

  3. Learning new things.

  4. Following up a routine.

and much more.

  • So, in the above-mentioned examples, we are all processing some data which are non-relevant to one another and but we need them for progress in their respective fields. correct?
    Everything you listen to, see and express can be declared as data.

    I hope you can understand what data is now. Also, I believe hereafter whenever you came across this definition 'Data is defined as a collection of unsorted/sorted information' you might not stumble with understanding this in the real-time example.

    ๐Ÿคฏ Giving examples with a collection of fruit is called data is no more. ๐Ÿคญ


    2. What is Database?

  • A database is an organized collection of structured information or data.

  • Based on the need or category of data, we group them or sort them and store them in a place that is called a Database.

  • Let's take this to the real-time scenario. Once again 'Groceries' ๐Ÿ›’

    • Once we purchased the listed groceries, we group/sort them and store them accordingly in their respective places. Right?

    • To be precise, we keep the cooking essentials in the kitchen and cleaning-related stuff in the store room. ๐Ÿคซ Most homes may not have a storeroom, so I used to prefer the restroom itself for storing cleaning-related stuff. ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

    • So we keep separate places to store the respective things in home. And thus the place we used to store is what we call a 'Database'.

Are we able to relate it now with data and database in computers? I believe yes!

Note: In an actual working environment, we feed the data into the database in terms of sorting them based on their respective categories. I hope that understanding jorgan 'Data' and 'Database' won't bother you anymore.

Learners, who are reading my blog, I am providing this much theory and explanations because understanding the core idea as simply and easily as possible will help us in a long run.
All Database tools were doing the same basic job which I have explained above. 'Just storing the data.' The difference that you can address is in which form the data is getting stored. Because in Oracle and other RDBMS types of systems we have table-based data representation. But in MongoDB, we are storing the data in form of the JSON format.
Am I adding more jorgans? We will explore them in the upcoming articles. In my next article let's get out hands dirty after understanding what DBMS is and followed by creating our first Database via Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

Happy Coding..!
